Hyde/ACASC Student Research Poster Contest

NCMIC - The official Coporate Sponsor of the Hyde/ACASC Student Research Poster Contest

Thank you, NCMIC, for supporting the research ambitions and interests of future chiropractors across America.

Chiropractic Students

We want YOU to do research!

Interested in doing a research poster but not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered! If you’re interested in completing a poster, we can help you find a research mentor, other like-minded students, and access to informative sessions on the research contest.

Do you want to ensure the Hyde Foundation continues to thrive and provide opportunities to students? Donate Today!

Annual Hyde/ACA Sports Council Student Research Poster Contest

  • 2024 - Winners

    1st Place - The Hyde Award: Ryan Thometz & Dylan Parshall - National University of Health Sciences - Illinois

    2nd Place: Christian Womeldorph & Nico Rottke - National University of Health Sciences - Florida

    3rd Place: Liza Marszalek & Kevin Rosario - National University of Health Sciences - Florida

    Honorable Mentions: Mitchell Adrian & Jesse Mingalone - National University of Health Sciences - Florida

    Kyle Fish - Texas Chiropractic College

  • 2023- Winners

    1st Place - The Hyde Award: Taite Daisey & Jacob Weaver - National University of Health Sciences - Florida

    2nd Place: Chase Brown, Maikailyn Carper, & Sharzad Parfait - Texas Chiropractic College

    3rd Place: Brian Perez & Thomas Kopatich - Cleveland University - Kansas City

  • 2022 - Winners

    1st Place - The Hyde Award: Michael Stern & Byran Karn - National University of Health Sciences

    2nd Place: Rachael Fix & Mikaela Lengwin - Northwestern Health Sciences University

    3rd Place: Andrew Do - Parker University

  • 2021- Winners

    1st Place: Kaylie Marks- Northwestern Health Sciences University

    2nd Place: Nick Agen- Northwestern Health Sciences University

  • 2020- Winners

    1st Place: Garrett J. Grant- Palmer College of Chiropractic- West

    2nd Place: Dan Brown- Northwestern Health Sciences University

    3rd Place: Tavia Smith- National University of Health Sciences- FL

  • 2019- 10th Annual Dr. Tom Hyde Poster Presentation Winners!

    1st Place: Robert Butler and Wren Burton - Palmer College of Chiropractic - West

    2nd Place: Thomas Ermscher Marciano - National University of Health Sciences

    3rd Place: Richard Yu- Palmer College of Chiropractic - West

  • 2018- Winners

    1st Place: Addison Ozakyol- National University of Health Sciences

    2nd Place: Kaila Alvarez- Northwestern Health Sciences University

    3rd Place: Kylie Norelll- Northwestern Health Sciences University

  • 2017 Winners

    1st Place: Kristin Freitas and Mark O'Brien- Palmer College of Chiropractic- West

    2nd Place: Michael Klein- Palmer College of Chiropractic- West

    3rd Place: Brent Chuma- University of Bridgeport Chiropractic College

    Honorable Mention: Rachel Gilmore- Cleveland University

    Honorable Mention: Samantha Scarcella- Northwestern Health Sciences University

    Participation Award: Jordan Knowlton-Key- Northwestern Health Sciences University

    Participation Award: Christopher Wuttke- University of Bridgeport Chiropractic College

Contest objectives


Contest Objectives:

  • To increase the value of research within the sports chiropractic specialty, especially among the future generation of sports chiropractors.

  • To give beginning sports chiropractic researchers a venue to develop research presentation skills.

  • To expand knowledge translation to symposium attendees

  • Create visibility and presence for campus ACA Sports Council

Posters should present research on one of the three aspects of sports chiropractic:

  • Sports chiropractic treatment of athletic injuries

  • Sports chiropractic prevention of athletic injuries

  • Ergogenic effects of sports chiropractic care

Types of research

  • Basic science (e.g., biomechanics, physiology)

  • Clinical (e.g., clinical trials, observational clinical research)

  • Literature reviews

  • Case series (more than three subjects)

  • Case study (report of a single case)

  • Other (e.g., epidemiology, population studies, practice analysis, etc.)

*Commemorative awards and scholarship monies donated by sponsors will be given to the top 5 vote getters. Cash prizes with a guaranteed prize structure of, at least, 1st - $2000 - "The Hyde Award", 2nd - $1000, 3rd - $750, and, if possible, Honorable Mention awards.

Submissions and questions should be submitted to Dr.Blake Graham at drblakegraham@gmail.com.

To stay connected, visit and follow the Facebook page specifically for this contest.