Why join as a student?
We look forward to supporting your interest in pursuing the growing field of Sports Chiropractic. Benefits of your student membership include:
Educational Symposiums for Continuing Education
Each year we host a symposium in which you will learn up-to-date, hands-on treatment procedures, alternative treatment forms, rehabilitation, prevention and management of athletic injuries, and many other skills and topics. You have the opportunity to mix and mingle with your peers, have a voice in the election of your representatives to the Executive Board, participate in fun activities, and more. Registration discounts are offered to ACA Sports Council Members.
National Office Assistance
If you require travel to treat information, desire a field protocol manual, or just need a consultation on a problem you might be having, we are here to meet your needs.
Chiropractic Sports Network
Through Sports Talk Magazine, members may receive a listing of event coordinators and state representatives to facilitate involvement in treating athletes at different venues around the country. You need to contact the event coordinator or state representative to receive information on the events.
Sports Talk Newsletter
Sports Talk serves as the lifeblood informational hotline to the ACA Sports Council. In each issue, you'll find a publication dedicated from the student executive board to the student group of sports, articles and photos submitted by the membership, and all current Sports Council information.
National student liaisons are available to assist and direct any student members. Also, each school has a delegated liaison for their respective Sports Council. Together these liaisons create a network of support for one another. Student members have the opportunity to network with other members at the annual symposium or any other ACASC events.
Mentorship Program
We support a mentorship program for student members. Using our Chiropractic Sports Network as a vehicle, student members can participate with experienced doctors at a variety of sporting events, locally, nationally and even internationally.
Preceptorship Opportunity
Becoming a member of the ACA Sports Council will allow you to network with other members working in the field of Sports Chiropractic. A preceptorship is another great opportunity for students, and enhances the Mentorship Program. During the last semester or trimester of school and depending on the school, the student has an opportunity to go on a preceptorship to work under a practicing chiropractor. Our website allows prospective student members to search by location to find a sports chiropractor in their area, or area of interest.
A Vision
The ACA Sports Council is the representative organization for sports chiropractic to the Joint Commission of Sports Medicine and Science and other organizations. By networking and helping to foster cooperative relationships between the nation's leading organization in Sports Medicine and Sports Science, we serve Sports Chiropractic and in fact, chiropractic itself.
Top 10 Reasons to Become a Sports Chiropractor
Deciding to become a sports chiropractor is a tough decision. There is a long list of requirements for becoming a CCSP or a DACBSP; board exams, research, time commitments, etc. Below is a list of the Top 10 Reasons to bite the bullet and further your chiropractic career in sports medicine.
Gain expertise in both prevention and rehabilitation of sports related injuries.
Learn how to treat your own ailments.
After all, most doctors interested in sports medicine are athletes themselves.
Expand your practice. Employ new techniques; patients will be knocking at your door once you have a specialty.
Empower your patients to expect Olympic level quality of care.
Achieve notoriety in your profession. Become the chiropractor that others in the profession will look up to. Your alma mater will write about so that your state association will ask you to come and speak and the local newspapers will write an article about you.
You'll be in demand. Yes, a sports medicine career is not a cheap specialty and there are countless hours of volunteering; however, you get out what you put in.
Keep up with the latest research and trends in the industry. Maintaining a DACBSP requires 26 CEC's per year, this will be easy!
Top level athletes are a great and a very rewarding population to work with. They care about meeting their goals and are grateful for all the care they receive. Nothing is more rewarding than watching an injured athlete return to play stronger than before.
Become part of a tight-knit group of remarkable chiropractors. There are only a handful of doctors that have chosen to rise above the rest of the profession to pursue sports medicine.
Travel the world. Many teams will travel with sports chiropractors so get your passport ready!